Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How's this for a tease?

Our buddy Nik Perleros took some very fun press photos for Quickies the other day. The photos are not stills from the show but mashups of characters from the peices.
Here is one to wet your appetite featuring actors from The Hardy Boys (Justin Emerick and Jason Harbor) and Apricot Supernovas (Lisa Confehr).
Check out more of Nick's work at http://flickr.com/photos/artrash/

Monday, April 28, 2008


Howdy LG friends! The 2008 season is off to a rip roarin' start with a fantastic Bakery Spring Reading series. The plays were great and the audience was super generous and thoughtful with their feedback. I hope to add another reading series soon, it is a great way to fuel future seasons.
And I had a blast at the at the Cowgirl Cabaret. That is me down there in my hosty getup.
I had a great time hosting with my trusty steed Buttercup and singing the Bon Jovi classic "Wanted Dead or Alive" with my "bandmate" Backslash (aka Brian Neel)

After that I jumped into directing Circus Tracks and producing Quickies at the same time so I am just now getting to the blogging thing. I am excited to have our new blog up and running though, so send up you comments and pictures and ideas for what you would love to hear more about on our blog! See you soon at Quickies opening May 2nd!